Linux Recovery How to Prevent Data Loss in Linux

In computing, Partition is a part of hard drive that works as a different disk and has a separate file system. Disk partitioning is usually done for better management of stored data and to ensure safety of valuable data in case of operating system malfunction. However, there are some circumstances where you need to remove the Linux hard drive partitions/volumes. This behavior removes all the data stored on deleted partitions and lead to severe data loss. At this point, you are required to opt for Linux data recovery to extract your significant data.

Linux operating system supports a number of hard drive partitioning tools, such as parted (GNU General Public License partition editor), fdisk, sfdisk (command based version of fdisk), and cfdisk (curse based fdisk version). Sometimes, while performing basic maintenance of the boot partition or primary partition of Linux hard drive, you might encounter an error message similar to the following one:

“FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition: Partition ends in the final partial cylinder”

The above error states the structure of partition is not intact and Linux operating system cannot read it. It may occur due to numerous reasons and put you in need of Linux recovery solutions.

Reason The above problem occurs if layout or structure of Linux volumes is not correct. The partitions are either overlapped or they are in wrong order. It may happen due to numerous reasons, ranging from virus infection to system crash.

Resolution In order to perform Data recovery Linux in such situations, you have to correct the disk layout. For this, it is essential to remove the existing hard drive volumes and then create new ones. Go through the below Linux file Recoverysteps to do so.

Use cfdisk -z /dev/device Linux command.

Use hard drive partitioning tools, such as gparted, if the above method does not work. Cfdisk may fail to format the disk if it cannot find the root of the above error.

Linux Php To Dynamics Gp Integration Scenarios And Options

Since the time, when Great Plains Software Dynamics Corporate ERP and MRP application was acquired by Microsoft, newly formed Microsoft Business Solutions (initially Microsoft Great Plains Business Solutions) turned to the natural route of driving out non-Microsoft OS and DB platforms. Initially Great Plains Dexterity was intended as the Operating System, DB platform and computer graphical interface realization independence vehicle. GP Dexterity was introduced in late 1980th and earlier 1990th, when Linux was no yet known or at least something popular (we do recognize that Unix in various blends is sort of prototype for Linux and Unix is a way more ancient, comparing to Microsoft Windows or DOS). Dexterity is in essence the shell coded in C programming language, which was believed to be the same on all the computing platforms: DOS, Windows, Unix, Macintosh and others. Since the acquisition by Microsoft Dexterity was transformed to something that is more dependent on Microsoft Windows and MS SQL Server DB platforms. But, you can still deploy integration between Linux/PHP application and Microsoft Dynamics GP, lets review the details:

1.Where Dynamics GP and PHP/Linux could cross over? Well. Probably in the applications, where you are deploying MySQL (especially popular on the international ERP development market, where your corporation could have subsidiary), as well as in Linux Internet Hosting Servers, where you may deploy such ecommerce shopping cart platforms as Magento

2.XML, Text or Advanced ODBC data source in Dynamics GP Integration Manager. This is probably the first tool to review in analyzing your Linux MySQL integration possibilities. All three formats: Text file (it is difficult to characterize it as format, as text is ancient archaic text), XML (some abstraction level to make text file look and behave as database, which is supposed to be and probably is computer operating system immune), ODBC is the construction to be conventionally compatible across multiple platforms. We have case study and experience where IM was deployed in Quasi real time integration mode with Linux/PHP based ecommerce custom shopping cart, where ecommerce transactions were exported into text file and imported into Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing module every twenty minutes via Windows macro application (calling Integration Manager with parameters)

3.Dynamics GP eConnect. This SDK allows you to expose Great Plains Objects in Microsoft Visual Studio C# or VB.Net projects. The power of MS Visual Studio opens unlimited horizons to do cross platform data query and joining, including Oracle, DBII, MySQL, Pervasive SQL Server, Ctree. Please, note that eConnect, being mid-tier level Software Development Kit requires you to do programming in that tier. Please, also be aware if you are on older version of Great Plains Dynamics, such as 7.5, 7.0, 6.0 and earlier, eConnect might be not really the option to consider, as it was introduced for Dynamics GP 7.0 and in our opinion reached the maturity with version 9.0

4.Magento eCommerce Shopping Cart Platform. Alba Spectrum carries the Dynamics GP ecommerce add-ons, where Magento is one of the options to choose in ecommerce deployment wizard drop down list

5.To request further help, please call us 1-866-528-0577, 1-630-961-5918, in Michigan 1-269-605-0330 or email us We are available to serve you USA, Canada nationwide, and internationally. Local service in Chicago, Southern California, Western Michigan, Houston, TX

Lamp, Lamr.what – Your Options Are As Wide As The Linux Web Hosting Service Itself

So, whats your need LAMP, LAMR or any other variety of Linux web hosting services?
Need explanation? Right then. Here we go.

They are the solution stacks that enable any Linux web hosting service to effectively fructify an effective combination of computer software with database and server.

LAMP, the most popular of the lot, comes with following specifications:

L: Linux
A: Apache
P: PHP/Perl/Python

While LAMR expands to,

L: Linux
A: Apache
R: Ruby on Rails

For other variants, the meaning of essentialities gets accommodated with certain alterations like M instead of MySQL means Mod Perl or Mod Python. P instead of PHP/Perl/Pyhton designates PostgreSQL (another form of data base language).

Bur then whether LAMP, LAMR or any other varieties, Linux web hosting services constitute meaning for millions world-wide in more ways than just by their names. The credentials lie in the effectiveness of OpenSource programming architecture.

The OpenSource architecture offers a secure and stable solution for hosting a website across the span of internet and the ever-so-dreadful threats of spams, viruses, and malwares. Thanks to the stringent coding regime and regular reviews conducted by the peers world-wide. For every programming loophole (if there is any what so ever) there lies a surety of immediate cure. The entire condition directs towards one statement: Linux web hosting is safe. And several web hosting service providers world-wide are taking credits for superior hosting services by successfully implementing LAMP/LAMR or other OpenSource Linux-based frame work to their clients in ned of business or personal web hosting solution.

Netcraft (the prominent British Internet monitoring company) says eight of the ten most reliable web hosting companies in the world run Linux on their web servers. However, it is up to you to believe in the credentials or discard them.

Burgeoning population of Linux web hosting service providers do have certain points to prove on the positives of this robust web hosting service variety of course.

Microsoft Windows vs. The Linux OS

Most people purchase computers to run programs – whether it is to send email, browse the web, meet friends of girlfriends on msn messenger, do office work or just play solitaire.

People buy computers to use programs for their functionality not to run operating systems be in Microsoft Windows, the new Microsoft Vista product , the Mac Operations Systems or the various Linux Operating Systems – be they Ubuntu Linux , Mandiva , Knoppix or Debian.

At the heart of most computer users is functionality and usability. It is as simple as that. It is an interesting situation that the Microsoft Corporation controls the vast lion’s share of the computer operating system market. Indeed it even has a major share holding of the next player in line – Apple with the Macintosh OS (Operating System).

What are the issues?

1) Linux is not really free. Linux, in its various flavors or distros, is given free of charge, whether it is on a cd, DVD or downloaded. You can install the program on your own compute or various computers , at no charge to yourself whatsoever

This is in direct contrast to a commercial product such as Microsoft Windows or the new Microsoft Vista which you to purchase a boxed version or a valid license which comes with most computer systems purchased. This license which comes on most new computers as a matter of course could be referred to as the “Microsoft Computer Tax” and is not an option you can forego, to reduce the purchase of your new compute – whether or not you wish to use another operating system such as Linux.

Linux is given free of charge to install. This is not a shareware or time limited version of the product which requires a registration fee after a period of time.

If you require product support or training commercial organizations do exist which will charge you for support of that product or for training or both. Indeed it can be said that Microsoft itself charges for product support, Symantec the antivirus / security organization charges for basic support by product, subscription fees – sometimes automatic subscription fees and 900 phone number and charge card “Priority Support”.

Indeed you would not expect your local school or technical college to provide computer and compute software training free of charge.

2) Linux is complex and will force you to learn the Linux command line,

Not true simple as that. The various Linux distros all have GUI (Graphic User Interfaces) just like Microsoft Windows, Windows used to come as command line DOS. Windows users use pull down windows to operate the software. So can and do most Linux users

3) Compared to Windows , Installing Linux is Difficult

– The vast majority of computer users are computer neophytes and beginners.

These computer users purchase computers with the operations system Microsoft Windows or the Macintosh Operating System installed on their new computers. These people could not install the Windows Operating system and the device drivers necessary if their life depended on it. How the situation of a Linux is based computer any different.

It is only a matter of time until new computers come preinstalled with the Linux operating system. Imagine if Henry Ford had been told not to build new cars since there were few good roads available in America.

4) My Computer Hardware Just Works Under Windows

5) Again untrue in many cases and soon to be less of an issue as more and more computers will come preinstalled with a Linux operating system. Already Dell Computer (which was a Microsoft stalwart) is selling Linux based laptops. Interestingly the response to the Ubuntu Linux dell notebooks is quite positive, If you think Linux hardware compatibility is an issue try upgrading to the new Microsoft Vista from your previous Microsoft Windows product. You will find to your surprise that few if little of computer hardware are supported. You may have upgraded to the new Vista and found you have either no sound, good video or even internet connections via your network adapter device or wireless network adapter. And try undoing your upgrade to get back to your working windows version – it cannot be done.

Lastly you may say I run Windows since all of the programs I use are available only on the Windows operations system – since that is the dominant player in the market. You may well surmise that since Windows is the more than dominant player in the computer OS market that software developers write their product almost exclusively for the windows operations system and that market.

This is true. If you are using a specialized product for your job, industry, situation or preference you may well be locked in.

In the end most people buy and use computers for functionality and use. Most people use their computers for internet browsing , communication – whether it by email or messenger services (M.S.N. , Yahoo , Skype , Eyeball Chat) , downloading and burning music and in more than many cases for playing nothing more than computer games such as simple solitaire.

In these cases the functionality of Linux and its program base easily allows for this. Indeed many of the cutting edge programs and computer services come out of left field by computer software developers and enthusiasts whose preference of Computer Operating System is guess what – Linux in its various forms.

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Linux Reseller Hosting Important Advantages And Disadvantages

One of the best ways of earning money on the internet is by getting into the reseller hosting business. Increasing numbers of people are eager to have their own web based businesses. One important requirement for an online business is to have the best web hosting service which is reliable, feature rich and affordable at the same time. If you are planning to sell Linux reseller hosting then you should first understand its advantages and disadvantages. Linux hosting is very different from Windows hosting and each type has its loyal adherents.

The main advantages of Linux server hosting comes from the fact that it makes use of open source software. As a result, it is extremely affordable. It is also very versatile since there are many different applications designed around it. A major advantage comes from the fact that it is compatible with PHP which is one of the most popular programming languages at the present time. In addition, Linux offers a high degree of security and stability when compared to Windows since they do not crash except under extreme circumstances.

People who host their websites on a Linux server are able to do a lot of business because it increases productivity. Also, since it is easy to use they dont need to spend a lot of time managing their websites.

Linux servers tend to operate at very high speed even though they have huge numbers of web domains. It also scores over Windows hosting on account of having a very user friendly interface. As a reseller, you will be able to host as many customer accounts as you get and you will also be able to manage them with a great deal of ease.

A huge disadvantage of Linux server hosting comes from the fact that it is not compatible with Windows applications. Whether you like Windows or not, it is widely used all over the world and a huge number of websites are therefore designed for its applications. Also, Linux hosting tends to have problems with scalability. Applications such as SQL, ASP and Active Sync, just to name a few, will not run well on Linux. In many instances, they will not work at all.

You have to think about the long term prospects of your reseller hosting business before you get into it since your long term earning capacity depends upon it. Linux currently has a lead over Windows when it comes to popularity because of the reasons mentioned above. This means that you will easily find plenty of customers if you opt for Linux. Get started on your Linux hosting India business without any delay; you will be able to earn a good income this way.