Red Hat Linux is a Linux based operating program

Microsoft trainingis necessary for one’s career development. Computers today are used in all the spheres of our lives. Every day we use computers for storing, analyzing and disseminating the information from the computer. A very important boon of the computer is the internet. Today, computer training starts from an age as early as six years. It has become a prerequisite that everyone knows how to use computers. One should know the basics of computers like emailing, surfing, uploading photos and other data online.

If you are a novice, then training can help you in every sphere. If you complete a course, you also get a certification of that program. You can learn Microsoft excel, word, power point etc. Microsoft trainingprovides excellent placements. You can learn various computer languages in various institutes. These computer institutes apart from providing that basic knowledge of computers make you adept at the various uses of computers. And since there are many software companies today in the market, these certification programmers can guarantee you a great job offer with good salary too. Microsoft traininghelps in doing the work faster. Microsoft can be used for many things. If you want to make a presentation, instead of manually doing it you can make it on power point. Red Hat Linux is a Linux based operating program. Linux helps a lot in one’s business. It was released in the year 1994. It also has released a graphic installer called anaconda which is very easy to use for the beginners in Linux programming. Red Hat Linux is now called Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It was done for enterprise environment.

Also the Fedora project by the Fedora community released a version of Linux which free and can be used for home purposes. Red Hat Linux helps in web hosting. It has shipping projects with Apache. It helps in hosting of multiple sites simultaneously on a single machine using many IP addresses or only a single one. It is the most used programming based software on the internet. It is very reliable and it helps in enhancing the functionalities.

Top Benefits Of Linux Web Hosting

When we think about web hosting platforms, Linux operating system always has the upper hand as compared to any other hosting service platforms. Especially, if you compare it with Windows operating system, then Linux surely delivers a more safe, reliable and fast web hosting solution. Website developers around the world prefer Linux web hosting services over similar service available on Windows OS. If you’re wondering what makes Linux an obvious choice for website developers when Windows is the most popular operating system around, check out the following points.

* Low price: Cost is a chief factor that determines the popularity of Linux web hosting over similar service offered by Windows. The various editions of Linux such as Red hat, Debian etc are all free for developers to be used in their respective designs. Hence, with no more to pay for the operating system, the overall cost for web hosting also diminishes. This helps web developers to earn more profit as compared to Windows editions, which comes with a hefty price tag.

* Better Compatibility: Linux web hosting is advantageous over other systems in that it is compatible with other software as well as with other operating systems. Further, if your website is based on Linux and your site is hosted by a server that’s run on Windows OS, you’ll have flawless performance. On the other hand, if you’re building a site on Windows framework and then hosting it on a Linux server, it would only invite trouble.

* Unmatched Performance: Even if you keep the fact aside that it is free, there are enough reasons for supporting Linux as a superior hosting platform. First of all, it is more stable as compared to Windows OS. Moreover, Linux provides better reliability and offers higher uptime in comparison to Windows OS.

* Simple to use: Pundits might portray Linux hosting as a highly complicated job, by comparing it with the Windows interface (which obviously is more user-friendly). But, the process involved in uploading or even setting up a Linux based web server is almost similar to that done while configuring a Windows server.

Hence, it is evident from the above that choosing Linux web hosting over others is the best option for any website development situations. It certainly proves to be the better alternative as compared to Windows and scores better than the later in terms of its superior compatibility, stability and pricing options. However, with all said, it is important to choose a reputed company that provides dedicated web hosting services. Make your selection wisely.

Installing Java1.6 and Tomcat 6.0 on Linux using WINSCP and Putty

Installing Java 1.6 on Linux–Using WINSCP involves the following steps:


Installing Java:

* Download jdk version–1.6x for Linux from Sun website

* Download the non-rpm version.

* Use WINSCP and connect to the server.

* Go to usr dir

* Right click and create a new directory–java

* Give all the read/write permission to the directory

* Move the download jdk from your local system to the java directory

Open putty connection to the server

#cd usr

Execute the command using putty:./jre-1.bin

/* optional

# mkdir -p /usr/local/java

# cd /usr/local/java

# mv /path/to/jdk-1_6_0_20-linux-x64.bin

# chmod u+x jdk-1_6_0_20-linux-x64.bin

# ./jdk-1_6_0_20-linux-x64.bin




* Set JAVA_HOME to the dir of java

* PATH to bin dir of JAVA_HOME

* Use–Putty to execute the below

* # export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_10

* # export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Check if we have installed it:

# which java


# java -version

java version “1.6.0_10”

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode)

Installing Tomcat 6.0 on Linux–Using WINSCP involves the following steps:


Download tomcat — Binary Core Distribution file –6.x to you local machine

* Rename the file as tomcat 6

* Use WINSCP and move to server /var/lib folder

* Create a new folder name as–tomcat6

* Give read write access permission to the folder

* Right click on the tomcat6.tar.gz and say extract

* In the dialogue box give tomcat 6



* # export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_20

* # export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

* # export CATALINA_HOME=/var/lib/tomcat6

* # export CATALINA_BASE=/var/lib/tomcat6

* # export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_20


Create a manager role with user name and password to deploy the application

* Use WINSCP to navigate to the folder-var/lib/tomcat6/conf

* Open tomcat-users.xml

* Copy that file to local machine and give the access.

start tomcat: #cd CATALINA_HOME/bin


shutdown tomcat:#cd CATALINA_HOME/bin



The above url should give a tomcat default page. should prompt for a user name and password.

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Linux Vs Windows Web Hosting

Linux web hosting (often referred to as LAMP – Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP) solutions are suitable for webmasters who use Linux hosting features, such as Perl programming, PHP programming and MySQL database. Windows Web Hosting gives a company the capability of designing web sites using the ever-popular Windows Operating System. This allows development using technologies such as Active Server Pages (ASP), COM, and the newer .NET infrastructure.
Some Major advantages of using Linux based web server compared to Windows based web server are given below:-

Linux operating system is very stable and robust.A web site hosted on a Linux operating system will have very high up-time.

2. Low cost of ownership:-
Linux OS comes free of cost.Also, it has fully fledged server, and desk top applications that come free with the OS. These server applications (such as FTP, Web Server, DNS Server, File Server etc.) are also very stable.

3. Easy to move between hosts:
A web site designed to host on a Linux based web server can be hosted on a Windows web server easily, where as the reverse is not always true. .

4. Most widely used :
Linux/Unix based web hosting is most widely used compared to Windows based web hosting.

5. Scalability:
A web site designed for compatibility with a Linux/Unix based web server meets the scalability requirement easily without making any site wide design changes.

Linux based web server is not fully compatible with Microsoft technologies. If you are using any specialized applications or VB for development of your web site, it is preferable to host with a Windows based web server.

Both these web server are used by users for different purposes and the selection of the web hosting depends upon the nature of the website or business. Linux server administration and Linux server management has been more effective for complex websites, where as Windows servers are used for sites which needs different configuration.

Cloud Cpanel Linux Shared Hosting Solution In Singapore

The web hosting services provider generally offer the valuable shared cloud hosting packages. It is noticeable that how much these packages are fulfill your web hosting need for you business and value your money. The shared cloud is also known as a shared cloud hosting. Its system does not create isolated virtual instances. Cloud accounts are hosted on top of a cluster of servers and share the resources of the whole cloud. The system provides high availability, automated load-balancing, full redundancy and flexibility. Normally shared hosting services uses a web-based control panel system, such as cPanel, Direct Admin, Plesk, Sphera, Ensim, Helm, H-sphere, or one of many other control panel products. As you share server with others the providers are able to offer its customers very reasonable prices. Do you want shared web hosting at a low price?. Then spark station shared hosting packages is best for you?.If you are looking for cheap hosting packages then all the plans of spark station come with

LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE in Singapore if any other company in Singapore offer lowest price than ours then we will either refund the difference or do price match. All our shared hosting plans comes with instant activation, personalized email ids and lots of other features included 24/7 WAW support, 99.9 % uptime guaranteed so your website will never go down. Software auto installer which is help full for you if you want to install blog or CMS it make it very fast, instant activation, R1 Soft back up, and also uses a SAS server class hardware like our all hosting plans we use quad core xeons / Intell i7 processors, 16 GB Ram and high-performance 15,000rpm SCSI/SAS hard drives with RAID-5. All these facilities along with 30 day money back guaranty. the hosting package that it will suit your needs exactly, although if you require additional assistance or resources then you can always choose a hosting service with which you can custom-configure your hosting resources.

The spark station only charge for account installation of cloud cpanel linux shared hosting, software management of severs and security updates and other features of the services. Servers are often based on the Linux operating systems because more Control Panel products are made for Linux. The shared web hosting service is shared by many users and must include system administration. This is beneficial to users that do not want to deal with it, but an impediment to power users that want more control.All in all, the vast majority of websites owner in Singapore rely on shared hosting services of the spark station to host their website. It provides a Shared website hosting cheap and reliable so you do not have to stress about quality of the host you have. Should your site expand, then down the line you can expand and get a bigger plan? Just go for the spark station shared hosting plans which included a Email, e-commerce, database, ,domain and other common features like cpanle control panel, raid protect

disk space with premium band width. Linux shared hosting packages are usually the cheapest web hosting services offered by most web hosting providers meaning that they are very popular and offered by most web hosting companies but sparkstaition is pioneer in the web hosting service provider in Singapore.

.A great part of the shared web host market is driven through Pay Per Click advertising (PPC) or affiliate programs. Shared hosting can also be done privately by sharing the cost of running a server, this is called cooperative hosting. When you choose Spark station, you get the Cutting edge top quality webhosting services in Singapore