Internet is booming from the very day it came into being. One of the advantages of internet in the business field is web hosting. Internet has made the world a global village. There are no boundaries. Once you have a website for your business you can expand your business horizon according to your imagination. Big organizations are going for managed web hosting. Linux server has become very popular among big organizations. Linux Hosting India provides top class service in this open source variation of UNIX operating System.
Linux Hosting
Linux is a leading server operating system. In simple words it can be defined as an open source system based on the model of UNIX operating system. Linux Hosting India is a pioneer in this field. Its strong knowledge in web hosting and dedicated server technologies, coupled with vast experience and round the clock customer support is its strength. Linux can be installed in a wide range of computer hardwares, mobile phones, video game consoles to mainframe and super computers.
Linux vs. Windows
Even though windows have reined the operating system and web hosting field for long, big organizations are now switching to Linux. The most prevalent advantage of Linux over windows is its cost effectiveness. Linux is almost free to obtain, while windows product can be owned only after paying a hefty price. Moreover Microsoft licenses are allowed only for one computer, whereas Linux distribution can be installed on any number of computers.
Linux server can be easily converted into windows. Thus conversion to another server is hassle free. But with windows it is very complicated and time consuming. If your website is using languages like PHP, MySQL and Pearl, you must go for Linux server hosting. Linux is basically an open source software product and thus is not bound by any license fees. With Linux hosting India customization can be done in real time.
Linux is an operating system which is very adaptive and flexible when compared to windows. Linux offers several user interfaces to use from when compared to windows. Linux is more secured and reliable when compared to windows. With India Linux Hosting you get cheaper hosting fees, more reliable server with Linux, readily available free program with Linux, greater access and control of files and permissions. Linux provides ever evolving control panel for administrative utilities.
Linux based web hosting scales extremely well, so as your website grows and traffic towards your website increases, it remains easy to manage. Linux Hosting India hosting fulfills ones requirement for good web server and web serving, file serving, mailing and streaming. It is very much cost effective, reliable and secure. Linux Web hosting is deemed to be the most prominent form of web hosting on the internet.