Shared hosting had been popular in the past years. With the huge number of web users, it is inevitable that traffic will be congested to cause a slow down or crash of a website. This would compel some website owners, especially huge business websites to shift to the dedicated web hosting. With a dedicated server, a one-to one correspondence can be expected. One server takes on only one website. This could ensure the stability and reliability of the website hosted by a dedicated server.
When cloud linux hosting was developed, many websites may no longer need to abandon their shared hosting. How the cloud linux works is a marvel, even to the tech-savvy individuals. Cloud linux hosting requires the insertion of a custom kernel into the shared server. The purpose of this kernel is to set a limit to the amount of resources one website is allowed to use. With this, no single website in the shared hosting can crash or slow down the server.
One way to better comprehend how cloud linux hosting server works is to compare it to the traditional shared hosting. Under the traditional shared server, there is no boundary between the different websites sharing the server. As a result, one website may be able to drain the resources of its neighboring website. This can potentially bring down the shared server. Under cloud linux, your data is protected and is set in LVE or lightweight virtualized environment. The purpose of the LVE is to make the resources in it unreachable or untapped by other websites sharing the same server. In effect, this eliminates the risk of causing downtime on the neighboring website or a crash in the entire shared server. Under the traditional hosting, the resources or data are not secured. Cloud linux can be conceived as a process that prevents hackers to drain the resources of the server. This makes the hosting secured.
Cloud linux per se is state-of-the-art software that separates different accounts from one another; this provides a stable hosting platform. Cloud linux prides in being the first commercial operating system that met the requirements of web hosting. With the traditional shared server, one website can cause the server to go down because it has drained the resources of other sites. Cloud linux isolates and controls the resource spikes and this prevents the entire server from downtime. This is what cloud linux hosting boast of a really rock-hard hosting stability.
Because this kind of web hosting had become too popular, many hosting companies are now offering the cloud linux hosting as a part of their shared hosting services. UBServers actually offer cloud linux hosting as one kind of shared server and the litespeed hosting as another option. It could be stated then that cloud linux hosting had reinvented the web hosting into a reliable, stable and dependable server. The shared hosting began to be comparable to the dedicated server in performance but not with the cost.